Spine Surgery
When physical therapy and other non-surgical treatments no longer work, surgery may be the best option. Saint Luke’s Marion Bloch Neuroscience Institute offers the latest surgical options from minimally invasive spine surgery to motion-sparing surgical interventions. Our team of experts is committed to providing patients the best outcomes and experience by combining clinical excellence and patient-centered care.
Recognized excellence
Saint Luke’s Hospital is designated a Blue Distinction Center+ for spine surgery, demonstrating expertise that results in fewer complications and hospital readmissions.
Coordinated care
Our team coordinates patient care to ensure a seamless and integrated approach. Our model of diagnosis, treatment, and support is truly multidisciplinary as each specialist plays a unique role:
Neurosurgeons and Orthopedic Surgeons
Neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons provide a range of surgical techniques for the treatment of spinal disorders.
Neuroradiologists utilize the latest imaging methods, including MRI and CT, to evaluate spinal pathology and deformity.
Patient Care Navigators
Patient care navigators serve as a single point of contact to help patients navigate the surgery process and provide education before surgery, immediate post-surgery, and post discharge. Our patient care navigator can be reached at 816-932-9869.
Learn more about our Multidisciplinary Spine & Pain Committee.
Pre-operative patient education
We strongly believe patients play a key role in ensuring a successful recovery. Our goal is to empower patients with the necessary knowledge and involve them in their treatment plan at each step of their recovery.
This guidebook is designed to provide you with the information needed to help you and your loved ones navigate the spine surgery process before, during, and after surgery. Please make a copy of this and continue to bring this guide for any pre-operative appointments, your pre-operative class, and your surgical hospitalization.
- Spine Surgery Informational Guidebook (PDF)
- Post-Operative Spine Surgery Exercises (PDF)
- Spine Surgery Pre-Operative Presentation (PDF)
- Physical and Occupational Therapy After Surgery Presentation (PDF)
- Post Cervical Spine Surgery Exercises (PDF)
Intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring (IOM)
Intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring is an integral component of the surgical experience and an example of the benefit of a team approach to patient care. Rather than waiting until after a surgery has ended to evaluate the function of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves, Saint Luke’s IOM team uses a combination of tests during the surgery to provide instant feedback to the surgeon about the real-time function of the nervous system.