Saint Luke’s South Hospital recently honored its Employee of the Year for 2014. Jess Meyer, R.N., Saint Luke’s South Birth & Women’s Center nurse, was honored for quick thinking when a laboring mom needed her most.

Jani Johnson, R.N., M.S.N., hospital President & CEO, described Jess’s quick actions during the award presentation:

Jess was the charge nurse during a day shift in March 2014. We had gotten a call from a physician that a labor patient was coming in. Soon after, we received a call from the father saying his wife was too uncomfortable to walk. Jess headed to the parking lot with a wheelchair. When Jess got to the car parked outside the ED, the mother stated that she had to push. Jess delivered this baby by herself in the front seat of the car.

The baby had its umbilical cord wrapped around its neck and Jess had to perform delicate maneuvers to be able to get the cord over the baby’s neck in these cramped conditions. This was also a very cold, blustery day in March and the baby was 5 weeks early. The birth had almost everything going against it except Jess. Thanks to her phenomenal nursing care, the baby never ended up in the NICU and was able to go home with its parents two days later.

Amazingly, Jess had also been the nurse at the delivery of a prior baby of this couple and knew them well. During my manager rounds, the couple expressed to me how fortunate they felt to have Jess there and that they knew immediately that they were in good hands. For this couple and new baby, Saint Luke’s South Hospital was clearly the best place to get care because of Jess’s experience.

Congrats to Jess Meyer, Saint Luke's South Hospital Employee of the Year!