diaTribe: Preventative Cardiology: Rethinking Diabetes Care to Improve Heart Health

Adults with diabetes are two to four times more likely to have heart-related complications than those without diabetes. Although closely connected, diabetes and heart health are often not cared for in an integrated way. It is essential that people with diabetes and their healthcare providers know their options and have a treatment plan that focuses on comprehensive diabetes management, which should include not only glucose-related numbers (A1C levels, time-in-range, etc) but also the prevention of complications such as coronary artery disease, heart failure, and kidney disease.

The Saint Luke’s Michael and Marlys Haverty Cardiometabolic Center of Excellence in Kansas City, Missouri is a new clinic designed with one key objective – to provide comprehensive risk reduction, by focusing on the prevention and treatment of heart complications in people with type 2 diabetes (and prediabetes). Dr. Mikhail Kosiborod, Co-Director of the Haverty Cardiometabolic Center, has worked at the intersection of diabetes and heart disease for nearly 20 years. diaTribe visited Dr. Kosiborod to see the workings of the Cardiometabolic Center and examine its care model that incorporates diabetes management and heart protection.

Read the full diaTribe Learn article.

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