NMR Lipoprofile

EPIC Test Procedure Code: LAB3781

LDL Subclasses
LDL Subfractionation
Performing Lab:
Referral Laboratory
Patient Preparation:

The patient should be fasting for 12-14 hours.

Container Type:
Plain red top, black and yellow top NMR LipoTube, or EDTA lav top.
Specimen Type:

Spun NMR LipoTube, serum from a plain red-top tube, or plasma from a lavender-top (EDTA) tube or green-top (heparin no gel) tube.

Preferred Volume:
2 mL
Minimum Volume:
1 mL
Collection Procedure:

1. Collect the specimen in a plain red top tube, black and yellow top NMR LipoTube, EDTA lavender, or green top heparin no gel tube.
2. Gently invert the tube to mix the contents and allow the specimen to clot for 30 minutes before centrifugation.

Specimen Processing:

1. Specimens should be kept refrigerated and centrifuged within 24 hours of collection.
2. Centrifuge for 15 minutes at 3000 rpm.
3. Do not freeze and do not store at room temperature.
4. DO NOT OPEN NMR LIPOTUBE. Serum or plasma drawn in gel-barrier collection tubes other than the NMR LipoTube should NOT be used!
5. Pipette the separated serum from the plain red top tube  or plasma from the lavender-top (EDTA) or green top (heparin) tube immediately after the collection and transfer to a plastic transport tube, LABEL THE TUBE WITH THE SPECIMEN TYPE!

Store and Transport:

Frozen - unacceptable
Refrigerated - 6 days
Room temperature - Do NOT store at room temperature, refrigerate as soon as possible.

Unacceptable Condition:

Unspun specimens; plasma/serum contaminated with red cells; citrated plasma; gross hemolysis; specimen received in inappropriate container; specimen stored at room temperature for more than a total preanalytical time of 24 hours; specimen more than six days old.

If the triglyceride level is >400 mg/dL, the LDL Cholesterol will not be calculated.

CPT Codes:

80061 - NMR Cholesterol Total (EAP 30040656)
83704 - NMR LDL-C (EAP 30040655)

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

Lab Personnel

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