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Showing 41-50 of 481 results
Kansas Governor Sam Brownback is expected to join residents of the Anderson County community, local public officials, staff and volunteers for the official ribbon cutting ceremony of the new Anderson County Hospital.
Saint Luke's ranks among the top 15 centers nationwide for heart transplant volume and has one of the shortest wait times for donor hearts in the country.
Kansas City Business Journal healthcare reporter examines clinical trial options for cancer patients in Kansas City and interviews Dr. Tim Pluard, Saint Luke's Cancer Institute Medical Director.
The NEJM Podcast looks at obesity and how it’s been neglected as a key to diagnosing and treating major diseases, including heart failure.
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Sally was working when she felt a pain in her chest so bad it felt like someone punched her.
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Dr. Brett Sperry explains how carpal tunnel syndrome is linked to a rare form of heart disease called amyloidosis in an issue of Bottomline Health.
Dr. Tracy Stevens explains what to look for when checking your heart rate and why that is only once piece of the whole picture.
Find instant relief for muscle aches, chills, runny nose, and more at Saint Luke's. No matter where you are in the Kansas City area or what the ailment, we have you covered this winter.