KMBC: Top doctor at Saint Luke's raises some concerns as stay-at-home orders ease

The top doctor at Saint Luke's Health System is speaking out about his concerns as we enter this new phase of reopening.

As businesses start to reopen Dr. Chris Perryman, Chief Medical Officer at Saint Luke's Health System says that doesn't mean you should rush into them. 

"I'm not prepared right now to go into any restaurant or bar until I see how those restaurants or bars handle it," Dr. Perryman said. "Are you keeping tables set apart? Are you limiting the number of people who come in? Does your staff, are they doing anything? Are they wearing masks? Are they cleaning disinfecting and cleaning things as they should? Those are the things I'd want to know."

While we have taken steps to flatten the curve. He said it's not time to ease up on safety measures and he added that what he's seeing concerns him.

"To walk in and see people not wearing a cover and everybody else is, that's disturbing because that's how this stuff gets transmitted. One person who's got the virus spreading it to others and people not wearing protection," Perryman said.

Are communities reopening too soon?

"It depends on how well people adhere to the guidelines on how we reopen. That's my biggest fear, is that you'll have people who won't follow the guidelines," he said.

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