Jorie Simon spent much of her early life worrying about when she’d have her next seizure. Now, thanks to Saint Luke’s Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, the 21-year-old is seizure free.

Jorie had her first grand mal seizure—the type with violent muscle contractions—in fourth grade. Jorie’s middle school years were filled with seizures and medications. She had so many that she forgot most of seventh and eighth grade. By her freshman year in high school, she was having a seizure every week.

Then she met John Croom, M.D., at Saint Luke’s Comprehensive Epilepsy Center. Under his care, she spent 11 days off her medication so Saint Luke’s could measure her brain waves and determine the best treatment. Dr. Croom found the right medication, and Jorie has lived seizure free since February 2009.

Today, Jorie is a college junior pursuing a double major in anthropology and sociology with a minor in social services. And she’s pursuing her passion—playing the violin with the local orchestra.

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